Crypto Connectivity

Meeting the Needs of Low Latency Crypto Traders

Tradfi Optimized Network Latency Available for Crypto Traders

Crypto traders are increasingly adopting the ultra-low latency connectivity provided by microwave networks. McKay Brothers’ industry leading wireless networks are now available to serve the needs of the ultra-low latency crypto trading community.

McKay’s private bandwidth service offers the lowest latency cloud-to-cloud connectivity at several of the most important crypto venues. McKay connects traders at Binance, Huobi and others in Tokyo (AWS ap-ne-1) with traders at Okx in Hong Kong (AliCloud cn-hk) and Bybit (Singapore AWS ap-se-1). McKay has optimized on-ramps for AWS az1 and az4 in Tokyo, AliCloud Zone B and Zone C in Hong Kong, and az3 in Singapore.

McKay also offers ultra-low latency network on-ramps at Coinbase in Ashburn, Virginia (AWS, us-east-1, az2), BitMex in Dublin (AWS, eu-west), and Deribit, LMAX Digital and Bequant in London (Slough-LD4).

McKay’s ultra-low latency connectivity leverages tradfi’s significant investment in latency optimized network infrastructure to provide crypto traders an edge. Learn more about how you can use McKay’s networks to support your trading.