Media Timeline

April 1, 2019

The Inaugural FT Founders’ 50 2019

The Inaugural FT Founders’ 50 2019 The Financial Technologist  Feature available here 
February 12, 2019

McKay Brothers & Quincy Data named one of The Most Influential Fintechs of 2019

Click here for the full magazine post
February 6, 2019

The Definitive List of the Most Influential Fintechs 2019

The Definitive List of the Most Influential Fintechs 2019 The Financial Technologist Download your copy from the The Financial Technologist for free here:  TFT Q1 2019 low res NEW V3.pdf  
September 27, 2018

Trading Show New York 2018

Stephane Tyc presented an updated version of, “Private vs Public Feeds The Role Of Transport” at The Trading Show New York September 26th, 2018. The slides from his presentation are available here.  
June 19, 2018

Inside Market Data Best Low-Latency Data/Technology Provider: Quincy Data 

Inside Market Data Best Low-Latency Data/Technology Provider: Quincy Data   Inside Market Data Tine Thoresen 19 Jun 2018 Best Low-Latency Data/Technology Provider: Quincy Data IMD/IRD Awards 2018 As firms push for quicker routes to market and faster access to market data, vendors are responding by continuously advancing their networks and data offerings. For some, it is not only about the need for speed but also the need to ensure speed is available to all market participants. The winner of […]
May 23, 2018

Quincy Data named Best Low Latency Data / Technology Partner

Quincy Data named Best Low Latency Data / Technology Partner Recognized for delivering the most wireless data at the lowest known latency Oakland, California. 24 May 2018 – Quincy Data, the industry-leading distributor of extremely low latency market data, delivered across the McKay Brothers’ microwave networks, was awarded “Best Low Latency Data/Technology Partner” at the 2018 Inside Market Data/Inside Reference Data Awards ceremony last night in New York. Hosted by Inside Market Data and Inside Reference Data, these awards […]
May 9, 2018

Trading Show Chicago May 2018

Stephane Tyc presented, “Private vs Public Feeds The Role Of Transport” at The Trading Show Chicago May 9-10, 2018. The slides from his presentation are available here.  
March 6, 2018

McKay Brothers Receives Minority Investment from Jane Street Group

6 March, 2018 – OAKLAND, CA, GENEVA & PARIS — McKay Brothers, a market leader in low latency networks, today announces a minority investment from Jane Street Group, LLC that will support the continued growth of McKay’s successful private bandwidth and market data businesses.   Jane Street Group joins IMC, Tower Research Capital, Susquehanna International Group and XR Trading as minority investors in McKay. The companies’ founders continue to hold the controlling majority of McKay’s […]
November 30, 2017

Trading Infrastructure – The Trend Towards Outsourcing

Trading Infrastructure – The Trend Toward Outsourcing 29 November 2017: When it comes to technology solutions for trading infrastructure, the build-versus-buy debate is one that never seems to go away. In the past, it was fairly common practice for banks and electronic trading firms to want to build and to run everything themselves. But more recently, there seems to be a definite trend away from that philosophy and toward buying, or even outsourcing, critical infrastructure. […]
October 19, 2017

McKay Brothers Receives Additional Minority Investments

19 October 2017 – OAKLAND, CA, GENEVA & PARIS — McKay Brothers, a market leader in low latency networks, today announces agreements with Susquehanna International Group, LLP and XR Trading that will support the continued growth of McKay’s successful private bandwidth and market data businesses.   Under the terms of the agreements, McKay’s founders will continue to control the McKay companies, holding over 70% of the equity. Susquehanna and XR join IMC and Tower Research […]